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Hemophilia is a genetic disorder characterized by a deficiency in clotting factors, resulting in prolonged bleeding and difficulty in blood clotting.

Common symptoms can include bleeding more than usual from cuts or injuries as well as frequent nosebleeds. Excessive bleeding may also occur after surgery, dental work, or simply getting a shot or vaccine. In rare cases, the condition can cause bleeding in the brain that may present itself as painful, long-lasting headaches and repeated vomiting. In addition to prolonged bleeding and lack of blood clotting, Hemophilia may cause many large or deep bruises.

Common Treatment Options

The main treatment for serious cases of Hemophilia includes replacement therapy, where missing blood-clotting proteins called “clotting factors” are infused into the bloodstream. Depending on how serious the condition is, various medications may also be needed.  In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to address complications such as joint damage. Fibrin sealants are a specialized treatment that can help seal existing surface wounds.

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